Rancho del Cielo is a commercial cow/calf operation. We raise a small number of commercial seed stock using the genetics of registered Angus quality bulls with our best quality commercial Angus cows, creating a commercial bull that not only will have quality genetics and confirmation, but is raised in a rough mountain terrain, and can adapt and travel well on any ranch. We have hardy nutritious grasses & forage in the Far West Texas Mountains that our cattle do very well, and maintain an excellent body condition in the most arid of environments. The same qualities are possessed by the replacement heifers raised on Rancho del Cielo, as well.
Rancho del Cielo has in recent years begun breeding a portion of our commercial Angus cow herd with registered Beefmaster bulls. This produces a crossbred market steer with a larger body mass, high tolerance to heat, as well as a capacity to travel well and stay sound on a rough & rugged terrain. In addition to market steers, we offer replacement heifers that are eligible to be enrolled in a program with the BBU (Beefmaster Breeders United) for Certified E-6 Commercial Heifers.
Rancho del Cielo maintains a certain standard of cattle handling, with most work done exclusively on horseback, when cattle are gathered in the pasture and worked in the pens. However, most of our cattle are exposed at some point to being smoothly handled by horses, people, and dogs. Everything on the ranch is done as calmly & humanely as possible to ensure lowest animal stress, saving time and human effort in the process.

Currently, Rancho del Cielo has a nearly equal number of registered Angus and registered Beefmaster herd sires. We strive to improve these quality genetics each year, as they are the basis for our commercial cattle operation, producing a quality animal, whether destined to be replacement bull, heifer, or a market animal.

Each fall we have a limited number of quality cattle for sale.
Commercial Angus Bulls
Our Commercial Angus Bulls are sired from registered Angus bulls with highest quality of genetics and solid black commercial Angus Cows that raise a calf that is rock tough and structurally sound. These bulls live in the roughest of terrain, and maintain excellent body condition. They are perfect for high desert ranches anywhere in the western United States. We strive to produce a commercial bull that has the genetics and confirmation of a registered animal, but has the hardiness and endurance to breed cows in the toughest of environments.

Commercial Angus Replacement Heifers
Having the same rock footed attributes as our commercial bulls, the heifers we raise have almost as much weight gain each year as our bulls & steers do. They maintain a good body condition throughout the whole year, and we have had excellent breeding results with all of the heifers and mother cows that are raised on Rancho del Cielo. Our heifers are raised in the mountains and rocks, therefore from a young age they learn to utilize feed and forage in all kinds of terrain. We raise large framed Angus cows that produce big healthy calves every year.

E-6 Beef master Heifers & Angus and Angus/Beef master Market Steers
As well as continuing to raise quality Angus commercial seed stock, they are also breeding Angus cows with registered Beefmaster bulls to produce an E6 cross. These heifers are eligible to be enrolled in the Beef master Breeder’s United’s E6 Certified Commercial Female program and Rancho del Cielo will enroll any E6 heifers in this program upon buyers request.

For more information on pricing and availability of Rancho Del Cielo cattle contact Ranch Manager Wes Holmes 432-386-7070

Contact Rancho Del Cielo
Rancho Del Cielo Office
Phone: 830-365-4422